Wednesday 6 June 2012


I feel really positive about today. Might do a short run this morning, but nothing too long. I'm gonna buy some stuff to make some Spring Vegetable Soup so I don't have to eat tinned shit tonight. Also going to roll up plenty of ciggies today so it's not just 'easier' to have a cone (don't know if I've said specifically, but I smoke weed. Only 1g a day at the moment, but trying to stop again) than roll a cigarette.

200 cal is the goal again today. I need to go hard for the next week.

I saw a couple of apartments I really like, in a beautiful complex I've always liked, on the highway. I already live on a main road, so traffic noise doesn't bother me. And they're really old apartments (think: dado walls, huge rooms, old empty fireplaces, musty carpet, small but practical galley kitchen). It's perfect for me, and it's damn cheap because of location and age. Mum & Brother both balked at the location and/or age (Brother looked at the same place with his girlfriend not long ago), but I would thrive.

Dreamland, coming up. (I've thought/talked about Dreamland since becoming sick. Basically, a love-nest for Anorexia & I. This is it.)

My hands looked like butterfly wings this morning, I think. I'm obsessed with my hands. 'scuse the icky skin flap on my arm :(



  1. I hope you get the apartment, I'm so jealous. I would love my own place so I could get on with my life without anyone noticing what I am, or am not, eating.
    I obsess over my hands too, they're the only part of my body I like because they don't look fat. Haha.
    Hope you have a good day.

    1. I've been looking at places for ages, but I didn't really wanna move out with my boyfriend - it wouldn't be the same. I just want a kitchen and an elliptical trainer and my laptop!

      Hope you have a good day, too :)

